~ challenges are what makes us who we are.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Road trip with the sopo ahhhhh pommmmm! ♥

Back to my blog again.......!!

After the amazing Melaka grad trip, now back to my life doing nothing and enjoying my summer holiday! Woots!

What I did for the past few days besides eating, sleeping, supper, football, snooker, watched NBA, watched HK movie series, Dota and yeah driving all alone from nowhere to nowhere like I-no-give-a-fuck to the traffic jam and fuel consumption! Collecting all the narration of earlier episodes and moments that I couldn't handle, dropped some fishy tears while recalling some rainbowish memories that had turned to be so nasty nowadays. Sounds truly unbelievable and apologetic.

If you notice the date, it is 6th June when I start writing this post.....let's rewind the clock.

......for like few years back, you knew you will be entering to university and you got lots of free time searching for universities around Malaysia. You may want to enter a best university among all with your friends and lover. And now, after you finish your studies, it may seem like a wonderful success in life but I don't feel great at all ! Haha ! First, my result is not as good as other graduates; second, is like so hard for you to get a job and work together with all your besties and friends in a same company! Not to mention choosing the best company....is not like how you can choose the best university in the town! They pick you, not you pick them!...well unless you are a top student... LMAO!

tok-khak-pie-liao betul betul thinking so much nonsense...... 

Phweeeettttt~ but thanks guan yin ma that someone from somewhere appeared and lighten my holidays! Although is like only 1+day, but it means a lot to me! =) I drove her everywhere, every single part in Penang that I found it interesting and memorable. 

Thanks for the laughter and accompany. I treasure the only-me-and-you road trip, having different kind of foods and drinks and of course the one hand siong-ellous driving section and cruising on Penang island. =) Woootttssss! and thanks for restrain and making me smoke so less nowadays! Is all about you today on my blog. Terima kasih ahhhh pommmmm!

I shall see you soon sopo.


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